VU Apex Campus

What is GDB in Virtual University

What is GDB in Virtual University

The Graded Discussion Board (GDB) is an integral part of the course, contributing either 10% or 5% to your total subject marks, depending on the subject. It serves as a platform for students to engage in meaningful discussion based on logical facts provided by the instructor.

To prepare for the GDB, students are advised to use their own words and carefully follow the instructions. Simply relying on handouts is insufficient; instead, it’s recommended to watch course video lectures, read handouts, and consult additional reference materials.

Here are the specific instructions for participating in the GDB:

  1. The GDB will be open for 24 hours.
  2. It will open and close at the specified date and time, without any grace period or extensions.
  3. Responses should be posted on the Graded Discussion Board (GDB), not the Moderated Discussion Board (MDB), as both will be active simultaneously.
  4. Participation after the due date is not permitted.
  5. Students are encouraged to view the schedule of upcoming Assignments, Quizzes, and GDBs in the course website’s overview tab on VU-LMS for better semester planning.
  6. Questions or queries related to the GDB content will not be addressed until after the due date.
  7. Comments should be concise and directly related to the topic, with a maximum length of 5-7 lines.
  8. While consulting books, websites, and other reading materials is allowed, copying content verbatim is not permitted.
  9. There will be no additional time allocated for discussion.
  10. Participation via email or after the due date is not allowed.

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