VU Apex Campus

Virtual University Semester Freeze/ Unfreeze Rules

semester freeze unfreeze semester rules

I. Virtual University Semester Freeze

Sometimes students may face challenges or circumstances that prevent them from continuing their studies for a particular semester. In such cases, virtual university often provide an option called “semester freeze” to accommodate these students.

II. Virtual University Semester Unfreeze

Students who have frozen their study program have the option to unfreeze it and resume their studies. This unfreezing the semester can occur after the final term exam of either the spring or fall semester and lasts until the last day, of course, selection for that semester.

III. How Can I freeze My Semester?

Procedure for Semester Freeze:

  1. Student Login to their Learning Management System (LMS) using their LMS ID and Password
  2. Once logged in, navigate to the LMS dashboard
  3. Look for the “Student Services” tab within the LMS interface and click on it.
  4. In the Student Services section, locate and click on the “Semester Freeze” link.
  5. After clicking on the Semester Freeze link, a form will be displayed on the screen showing the Semester Freeze.
  6. Fill out the form by entering the reason for requesting the Semester Freeze. Provide a clear and concise explanation of the circumstances necessitating the freeze.
  7. Review the information once the reason is entered to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  8. Click the “Submit Request” button to submit the Semester Freeze request.
  9. A confirmation message will inform you that your request has been successfully submitted.
  10. Check your VU email account for notifications regarding your request.
  11. Look for an email from the university confirming your Semester Freeze request.
  12. Open the email and follow the instructions provided. This may involve clicking on a confirmation link or replying to the email to confirm the request.
  13. Click on the confirmation link provided in the email. This will verify your request and finalize the Semester Freeze process.
  14. After confirming the request, you will receive a confirmation message indicating that your Semester Freeze has been processed.
  15. Record the confirmation email or any relevant documentation for future reference.

IV. How Can I Unfreeze My Semester?

Procedure for Semester Freeze:

  1. Student Login to their Learning Management System (LMS) using their LMS ID and Password.
  2. Once logged in, navigate to the LMS dashboard.
  3. Please check your account book and your all-outstanding dues if any are available, otherwise, you cannot unfreeze your semester.
  4. Look for the “Student Services” tab within the LMS interface and click on it.
  5. In the Student Services section, locate and click on the “Semester Freeze. ” link.
  6. After clicking on the Semester Freeze link, a navigation list will be displayed on the screen.
  7. In the navigation list just click on the one option that suits you the more and your semester.
  8. A message will appear that your semester has been unfreezing successfully, and you can select your courses to enroll in the semester.

V. How Long I Freeze My Semester?

The students have the option to request a freeze for a maximum of two consecutive semesters. A freeze typically means suspending their studies without facing any negative consequences such as losing their admission or being withdrawn from the university. However, it’s important to note that if a student exceeds the allowed freeze duration (two semesters in this case), there may be consequences, such as their admission being withdrawn or canceled.

If a student’s admission is canceled, the student is advised to re-apply for admission when the university opens its admission process for the subsequent semesters. This implies that the cancellation of admission does not permanently bar the student from reapplying to the university. The recommended times to seek readmission are specified as the spring semester and fall semester, which are commonly the two main academic terms in virtual university.

VI. Can I Freeze for More Than Two Semesters?

Yes, the student can freeze their semester again in the sense that.

If a student has already used the opportunity to freeze two consecutive semesters, they are required to unfreeze the current semester and resume their studies for the semester.

After the students have resumed their studies and completed the semester following the maximum allowed freeze duration, they may apply to freeze their semester again if they encounter difficulties or challenges in continuing their studies. However, it is noted that the rule of two consecutive semesters still applies, meaning that they can only freeze their studies for a maximum of two consecutive semesters. Additionally, it is mentioned that the duration of the degree program completion has been decreasing.

Suppose a student is enrolled in a four-year degree program consisting of eight semesters. Normally, the student would complete the degree within 4 years (8 semesters) or eight years, which is equivalent to 16 semesters according to HEC rules. If the student chooses to freeze their studies for one year during the program, the overall duration for degree completion is reduced. This means the student will have either three years (six semesters) or six years (12 semesters) remaining to complete the degree, depending on the specific guidelines and policies of the institution.

The table shown below shows the maximum and minimum period of the degree program to be completed according to HEC.

Degree Duration

Sr. No.Degree LevelMinimum DurationMaximum Duration
1PhD3 years / 6 semesters8 years
2MS/M.Phil.2 years / 4 semesters4 years
3Master (M.A/M.Sc.)2 years / 4 semesters4 years
4BS (4 years)4 years / 8 semesters8 years
5Bachelor (2 years)2 years / 4 semesters4 years
6Associate degree2 years / 4 semesters4 years

VII. If I Cannot Unfreeze My Semester, Then What is the Admission Status?

If the students did not unfreeze their semester after availing the facility of the maximum of two-semester freeze. Then the admission of said, students will be canceled by the Virtual University of Pakistan. These students may require re-admission.

VIII. What is re-admission?

After the cancelation of admission, the students may apply for re-admission at the virtual university if they want to continue their studies. The student with cancelation status must pay the full admission fee as prescribed in the virtual university schedule.

IX. What is cancelation of admission?

The student’s admission has been canceled by the virtual university in two scenarios.

One, if the student has feezed his semester for more than two consecutive semesters, the admission of the said student has been canceled by the virtual university. 

Second, if a student has not passed or qualified for his degree and he has availed minimum and maximum period to complete the degree, such students faced admission cancelation, and these students are required to apply for new admission with a credit transfer policy,

Suppose a student has gained 63 credit hours and he/she requires 3 more credit hours to complete the degree and he failed to do so and he has availed the maximum period to complete the degree, then such student’s admission has been canceled and the requires to apply for new admission with 63 credit hours transfer toward complete the degree of 66 credit hours.

X. Are My Pass Credit hours Wasted due to the Cancellation of Admission?

No. The student with cancelation admission status has not wasted the credit hours that he/she has gained or passed the subjects, these students are advised to apply for new admission at the Virtual University of Pakistan on credit transfer policy base admission.

The credit hours transfer policy admission is that the student who has previous subjects or gain certain credit hours has been exempted from the new admission program. There is no wastage of the subject and gained credit hours because that would be exempt.

XI. If I could not Make the Course Selection, then What is My Admission Status

Suppose a student did not make his/ her course selection due to some problem and the deadline for course selection has been passed, then admission of these students has been marked as “inactive or withdraw” and will be imposed Rs. 2000/- fine as penalty.

These students are required to wait for the announcement of the university to the date of re-admission either in the spring semester or fall semester. They log in to their LMS account and navigate the student’s services and click the re-admission link and apply for readmission there will be generate a voucher of 2000/- of re-admission. The students are advised to pay this voucher in VU panel Banks. After paying the fee, the student’s admission has been active, and these students may be able to select their courses for the coming semester.

Here’s what you need to know about the semester freeze policy.

  1. Eligibility for Semester Freeze
  • New Students: Students in their first semester are generally not allowed to freeze their semester. This restriction is in place because new students are just starting their academic journey and need to establish a strong foundation for their studies.
  • Zero Semester, Specialization Certificate, and Short Courses: Students who have zero semester status, specialization certificates, or have enrolled in short courses are usually not eligible for a semester freeze. This is because these programs have specific timelines and requirements that cannot be altered by freezing a semester.
  1. Freeze Period Restrictions
  • During the freeze period, students who have opted for the semester freeze are not allowed to attend classes or use computer labs on any virtual university campus. This is to ensure that students who are actively pursuing their studies can utilize the resources effectively.
  1. Freeze Option for Old Students
  • Students who are not in their first semester have the option to freeze a semester if they face unforeseen circumstances or personal challenges that prevent them from continuing their studies. This allows them to temporarily pause their academic progress without any penalty.
  1. Semester Freeze Timing
  • Students can initiate the semester freeze process from the first day of the commencement of classes for each semester, be it the fall or spring semester. It is important to note that once the semester has begun, students should promptly contact their virtual university’s administration to initiate the freezing process.
  1. Last Date for Semester Freeze
    • The last date for semester freeze is typically the last date of course selection for the enrolled semester.

Students need to understand that the option for a semester freeze should be a well-considered decision, as it may have implications for their academic progress and graduation timeline. It is advisable to consult with academic advisors or relevant university staff to assess the impact of a semester freeze on the educational journey.

1 thought on “Virtual University Semester Freeze/ Unfreeze Rules”


    Sir I am student of BS (Mass Communication). And it is my first semester. If I want to cancel my admission after completing my first semester and readmit in any other program like BS (IT) or BS (CS). What would be legal procedure. And what will happen to my credit hours that I have completed during first semester of BS (Mass Communication)?
    Kindly enlighten.

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