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PDC Virtual University conducted a seminar titled Digital Pathways to Financial Freedom

PDC Virtual University conducted a seminar titled Digital Pathways to Financial Freedom

On August 29, 2023, PDC Virtual University conducted a seminar titled “Digital Pathways to Financial Freedom” at the Information Access Centre. A varied crowd attended this session, including academics, staff, and students from Virtual University, Lahore Garrison University, and Lahore College of Home Economics. The conference emphasized digital entrepreneurship and freelancing as alternate routes for financial stability and growth.

Ms. Mehreen, a renowned specialist in digital entrepreneurship, shared her thoughts and experiences, urging attendees to embrace innovation and harness digital technologies for business success. Mr. Sheeraz, a renowned freelancing professional, presented invaluable advice on launching a successful freelancing career, emphasizing the numerous opportunities available in the digital gig economy. The event also allowed for networking and knowledge exchange among participants from other educational institutions, and it drew online attendees from all around the world.

Mr. Jawwad Zaheer, Senior Manager PDC, expressed delight in presenting a seminar that provides the community with digital literacy and new economic understanding. This event demonstrated PDC VU’s dedication to offering comprehensive education and training students to flourish in the digital era, marking yet another milestone in their efforts to equip persons with the necessary skills. Guests were also given souvenirs when the session came to a close.

PDC Virtual University conducted a seminar

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