VU Apex Campus

Is Virtual University Co Education

The Virtual University is committed to ensuring equal opportunities for both male and female students. This commitment is rooted in the principles of gender equality and inclusivity. Regardless of gender, all students at the Virtual University are provided with the same academic resources, opportunities, and support to thrive in their educational journey.Is Virtual University Co Education

Female Common Room

The virtual university has established a separate common room for female students on every campus (200 campuses). This initiative not only reflects a commitment to gender equality but also highlights the importance of providing safe and comfortable spaces for female students in an online learning environment.

The concept of a common room has been a long-standing tradition in educational institutions, offering students a place to relax, socialize, and engage in academic discussions outside the limits of the classroom. The common rooms have played a crucial role in fostering a sense of community and belonging among students. The virtual university’s decision to extend this tradition to female students in the digital realm demonstrates a forward-thinking approach to online education.

Separate Computer Labs for Female Students

To promote a comfortable and safe learning environment for female students, the Virtual University has taken the initiative to arrange separate computers. These dedicated computer labs are available at every Virtual University campus across various locations. This segregation of computer labs helps address any potential concerns or discomfort that female students might have when sharing lab space with male students. It aims to create a supportive atmosphere where female students can focus on their studies and academic pursuits without any distractions or apprehensions.

Separate Examination System for Female Students

Recognizing that examination environments can significantly affect a student’s performance and well-being, the Virtual University has introduced a separate examination system for female students. This system is designed to make female students feel more at ease and comfortable during their exams. It takes into consideration the unique needs and concerns that female students may have during examination periods.

This separate examination system may involve measures such as providing female-only examination rooms or adjusting examination schedules to accommodate female students’ preferences or religious considerations. It’s intended to minimize any potential stress or anxiety that female students might experience during exams, allowing them to perform to the best of their abilities.


The Virtual University is committed to fostering an inclusive learning environment where both male and female students have equal access to educational resources and opportunities. The provision of separate computer labs and a tailored examination system for female students reflects the university’s dedication to ensuring that all students feel comfortable, supported, and empowered in their pursuit of higher education.

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