VU Apex Campus

Final term Examination Spring 2023 (Paper Pattern)

  • You may attempt no more than 40 of the 50 questions provided.
  • The overall time for the paper will be 90 minutes, and the total number of points will be 60.
  • There will be 40 MCQs, with the best 33 MCQs selected for grading.
  • There will be six (6) three-point questions, with the best four chosen for grading.
  • There will be four questions total, at five marks each, of which the top three will be graded.
  • The number of questions given for each type of question and their associated marks are displayed in the table below:


MCQs in PaperMCQs to be AttemptedMarks of MCQs


Subjective Question TypesSubjective Questions in PaperSubjective Questions to be AttemptedMarks of Subjective Questions

NOTE: You must check your Course Announcement Section on a regular basis for any updated information on paper patterns.

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