VU Apex Campus

Virtual University Course Exemption and Credit Transfer

The University’s Equivalence Committee evaluates requests for course exemptions and transfer of course credits on a case-by-case basis for degree programs. To be eligible for consideration, applicants must meet the admission criteria for the respective degree program and comply with the following terms and conditions

General Policy for Course Expetion and Credit Hours

virtual university policy on cr
  1. The University allows admission to students seeking course exemption or transfer of course credit hours, provided they are enrolled in an HEC-recognized higher education institution, following the University’s policy. Payment of the prescribed fee and other dues is mandatory.
  2. Admission applicants who request course exemption or credit transfer will not be eligible for scholarships or recognition on the honor roll.
  3. Course exemption and credit transfer may be granted by the University for its study programs, but only during the admission process and subject to meeting the eligibility criteria for admission.
  4. To be considered for course exemption or credit transfer, the applicant must provide all required information following the University’s policy at the time of applying for admission.
  5. The Equivalence Committee will make all decisions before the beginning of classes.
  6. The University’s policy on course exemption/credit transfer applies to all degree programs and is evaluated on a case-by-case and course-by-course basis
  7. The original NOC/Migration Certificate is required for non-VU students.
  8. The original consolidated transcripts must be submitted as evidence of the basis for course exemption/credit transfer applications. VU students may submit attested photocopies.
  9. The students who are seeking course exemption or credit transfer must provide an official copy of the syllabus for the relevant course(s). The syllabus must be attested and verified by the respective authority at the institute or university, and include detailed information about the course content (for nor VU students).
  10. Students who have been dropped from their institute or university due to unforeseeable circumstances can apply for course exemption or credit transfer, but only if they provide the required documentation. It is important to note that students who have failed their courses are not eligible for course exemption or credit transfer.
  11. Students who apply for admission after completing the Zero semester are not eligible for course exemption or credit transfer.
  12. Course exemption or credit transfer for a merit-based degree program is only applicable to students who have qualified on the merit list
  13. Applicants seeking course exemption or credit transfer based on a diploma qualification are only eligible if the diploma was obtained through graduation-based admission (14 years of education)
  14. Virtual University’s Equivalence Committee will evaluate requests for course exemption or credit transfer based on the specific study schemes and course outlines of the program, on a case-by-case and course-by-course basis
  15. Specialization, Internship, and Final Project courses are not eligible for exemption under any circumstances
  16. Course exemption or credit transfer can only be requested by students once and for a single admission session in a particular study program
  17. Course exemption or credit transfer cannot be awarded for consecutive degrees at the same level
  18. Only courses that have been qualified, passed, or completed within the last five years will be considered for exemption
  19. The total number of credits that can be transferred into a program cannot exceed 50% of the total credits required for the completion of that particular program
  20. If a course is exempted or credit is transferred, it will be indicated on the student’s transcript as ‘Exempted’ with the letter ‘E’ and will not be included in the calculation of CGPA
  21. The Equivalence Committee will determine the study plan and minimum time needed to complete the degree requirements, taking into account any course exemptions or transfer of credit hours.
  22. Admission through course exemption or transfer of credit hours renders a student ineligible for any scholarships, medals, or merit-based honors
  23. A processing fee will be charged for applying for course exemption or credit hour transfer, and it is non-refundable
  24. incomplete applications will not be processed and will be rejected immediately
  25. Applicants will be notified of the Equivalence Committee’s decision through either email or courier service
  26. A notation of ‘E’ will be recorded in the remarks column of the student’s transcript for each course that has been exempted
  27. Course exemption/credit hour transfer is a privilege, not an entitlement
  28. The decision of the Equivalence Committee is final and binding, and cannot be disputed in any court of law
  29. The University reserves the right to pursue legal recourse against applicants who attempt to deceive or mislead the institution by submitting fraudulent educational documents or other misinformation. 

Policy for Exemption and Transfer of Credits for Non-VU Students

  • Only courses with a grade of ‘B’ or higher (equivalent to 71% or above in the annual system) will be considered.
  • The degree program for which admission is being applied and the degree for which course exemption/transfer of course credit hour(s) is being requested must be of the same level and duration.
  • Only transcripts/mark sheets issued by the Controller of Examinations of the relevant Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be accepted for course exemption/transfer of credit hours.
  • Any result card/transcript/marks sheet web-based on or issued by the Head of the department will not be considered.

Policy for Exemption and Transfer of Credits for VU Students

  • To be considered for exemption/credit transfer, courses must have a minimum grade of ‘C’.
  • If a student seeks course exemption/credit transfer based on VU certificate course(s), they must surrender those certificate course(s) as a mandatory condition.
  • Students who have voluntarily discontinued their studies or have been discontinued by the University for reasons other than disciplinary action are eligible to apply.

Course Exemption Eligibility for Bachelor's Degree Holders (BS Entry Route) with 45% or Higher Marks

  • Candidates who have earned 14 years of education (including a BA/B.Sc./B.Com. Associate Degree or higher) with at least 45% marks or CGPA of 2.0 out of 4 may apply for admission via the BS Entry Route with course exemption towards a 4-year BS degree program.
  • The study scheme and minimum residency period for degree completion will be determined by the University’s Equivalence Committee, considering any deficiencies.
  • The minimum residency period for completion of the degree program shall not be less than two years.

The Equivalence Committee

  • The Equivalence Committee will be appointed by the Rector and will serve for one academic year commencing with the Fall semester admissions
  • The Equivalence Committee will evaluate cases for course exemption/transfer of credit hours.
  • Course exemption/credit hour transfer is a privilege and not guaranteed. The ruling of the University’s Equivalence Committee is binding and cannot be contested in any forum.
  • The Equivalence Committee will examine courses for exemption/credit hour transfer in which the applicant has achieved a grade of at least ‘B’ with 75% content similarity in the applicable course(s).
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