VU Apex Campus

Batch-VII of the Call for Business Ideas Virtual University of Pakistan

Batch-VII of the Call for Business Ideas

What we desire

We welcome creative, innovative, and technology-powered business ideas in all fields, but we particularly encourage business ideas in the following sectors/areas.

  • E-commerce / Retail (for all B2B & B2C product categories)
  • Edu Tech (Educational Technology Business)
  • Fintech (the application of technology to provide branchless banking or banking-like services)
  • Solar technology (renewable energy sources)
  • IOT (Internet of Things) (web/app-enabled smart devices with embedded systems)
  • Food Business (Food Distribution and Handling Using Technology)
  • Logistics (the acquisition, storage, and transportation of resources to their eventual destination)
  • Health Tech (technological health services)
  • Agriculture, Meat, and Dairy Products
  • Beverages and water to drink
  • Waste Management in the Home and Industry

Who can participate?

Only students who are actively enrolled and active at the Virtual University of Pakistan are eligible to apply for business ideas.

Students enrolled in short courses, diplomas, deficit semesters, or zero semesters are not eligible to apply.

Oversees students and VU workers who are currently enrolled as VU students are not eligible to apply.

How to participate:

Click Here  To understand more about the submission procedure, watch the video.


Each student may submit only one business proposal, either individually or as part of a team.

A team should consist of no more than two people.

Each individual/team must present an innovative company proposal and must not replicate it from any source.

Selected business ideas will be requested to submit comprehensive business plans.

Only realistic and financially feasible company concepts will be considered for presentation.

The financial worth of the company idea should not exceed Rs. 500,000.

Deadline for submitting business ideas:

Submit your business proposal at (

 before September 8, 2023.

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